[Magdalen] My tips to the BBC for today

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 28 17:19:03 UTC 2018

On 28/10/2018 14:15, Simon Kershaw wrote:
> Yes. The short form, "Oxford University" is probably more common than saying "the University of Oxford" and similarly for other universities. Probably the latter is used in more formal sentences, and the former more informal. Although in this particular case (and also Cambridge) you’ll get away with just saying "Oxford" in many situations. Just as you might just say "Harvard" or "Yale".

The only slight problem is when people say they are going to university 
in Oxford or Cambridge when they are actually going to Oxford Brookes or 
Anglia Ruskin respectively. Their statement is factually accurate but 


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