[Magdalen] Baptism question

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 15:52:22 UTC 2019

In the Orthodox Churches, I am pretty sure all the names are used, as very
often parents will give a child a "regular" name (one they're called every
day) plus a "church name" which is the name of either the saint whose day
they are baptized on, or the saint they  have chosen as the child's patron.
They may also have other names as well.

On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 11:45 AM Michael Bishop <rev at michaelbishop.name>

> I have always used the Christian names (however many there are) only .
> The surname is not used. For the service booklet I would include in the
> service title the Christian and surname of the child.
> So if it were my baptism then the names used in the booklet title would
> be "Philip Michael Bishop" but I would be baptised simply "Philip Michael".
> (I am one of those strange people known by my second Christian name, not
> my first)
> God bless
> .....
> .....
> Michael Bishop
> rev at michaelbishop.name
> On 11/04/2019 4:16 pm, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> > I’ve never been asked this question before.
> > When you baptize a young child, do you say the full name at the
> beginning or just the first name (and middle, if any)? I know the BCP only
> has one N. In the place for the name, but I’ve seen it done a number of
> ways. I’m think you don’t use the last name, but just the first/and middle.
> I haven’ done a baptism in a number of years, but I have one coming up on
> Easter in a church where I’m supplying, and the person doing the bulletin
> asked how she should list the name in the service booklet.

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