[Magdalen] To Lay and To Lie.

Grace Cangialosi gracecan at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 02:58:15 UTC 2019

Oh gosh, I hadn’t thought about that for a long time! I may have been spelling them the same way...

> On Apr 20, 2019, at 10:47 PM, Christopher Hart <cervus51 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I’m sorry, but I refuse to give up on the distinction between who and whom.
> I also bemoan the other justified complaints in this thread. One of my pet
> peeves lately is people who don’t know that discreet and discrete are two
> entirely different words that merely sound alike. This, of course, is
> mainly a problem in written English.
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 5:04 PM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> The people I interact with each day seem totally unable to handlethe "to
>> lay" and "to lie" differentiation.  The same is true with written
>> materialthat I read regularly.  I realize there is overlapping of these
>> verb forms.I suppose that there is little hope this situation will change
>> because 90%
>> of English speakers in this area confuse the verbs and the majority of
>> thepopulation never hears them used in the traditional grammatical way.
>> I suppose, since users/confusers of these verbs seem to communicatequite
>> well despite the grammar "problem," we will find that this mattergoes down
>> the path of the "who/whom" confusion, where grammarians havegiven up
>> completely.
>> And another verb irregularity:
>> In this region, there is a situation in which a majority of the population
>> rarelyemploys the third person singular of the verb, "to do."
>> "Does/doesn't" isalmost absent. Does turns up in such as "He does play the
>> piano,"  But the
>> in negative usage, it reverts back to "He don't play the piano."
>> I guess I should chalk it up to the evolving English language.
>> David Strang.
> -- 
> Christopher Hart
> List Mail Address: cervus51 at gmail.com
> Personal Mail: cervus at veritasliberat.net
> Twitter: @cervus51

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