[Magdalen] An Embarrassment of Riches.

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Thu Apr 25 17:23:30 UTC 2019

Remember 2016 and the Republican field. In a crowded field a candidate 
does not need majority support to carry a primary election. They just 
need more votes than anybody else to win the state. There were several 
candidates who had more claim to the nomination, and would have done a 
better job, than Trump but he became unstoppable. I am not saying that 
any of the Democratic candidates is as left field as Trump but any 
candidate that attracts a hardcore support is likely to boost their 
chances. I would like to see a thinning of the field in the next 9 
months as polling pickjs up and some see that stand no chance and throw 
their support behind someone with a broader base.


On 25/04/2019 18:08, Grace Cangialosi wrote:
> That’s exactly where I am David, and I hope no one runs as an independent or third-party candidate. Ralph Nader and Bernie cost the Democrats those elections. I believe if Bernie has supported Hillary from the beginning, she would have won.
>> On Apr 25, 2019, at 12:46 PM, cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>> Honestly, this slate of USA Democratic Party presidential candidates is overwhelming
>> me and I suspect most dyed in the wool Democrats have this difficult choice.  There areso many very bright, articulate (and  in may cases, very good looking) candidatesfighting for the nomination that it is mind boggling.
>> The group of candidates that spoke for the Black Women's Caucus yesterdayonly featured a fraction of those declared candidates, but those who didspeak were amazing.
>> Then today (wee hours of the morning) enter Joe Biden, a Northeast Pennsylvania(Scranton) native, and the problem of choosing goes over the top.  I suppose weshould be happy to have too many rather than too few.  In the end I will supportany candidate the Democrats choose, and like so many of us, we hope whoeveris chosen will have the where-with-all to defeat the current incumbent.
>> David Strang.

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