[Magdalen] Small prayer request.

Scott Knitter scottknitter at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 02:14:41 UTC 2019

Praying for you and Ev, Mike. I can relate to anxiety about disruption in
my home and on short notice (I misinterpreted, several years ago, some
instructions that were telling us to clear everything out of our back
room--my office---as they were about to tear that room off of every
apartment the day I came to understand the instructions; a crew sat outside
drumming fingers while shirtless me up here was frantically clearing the
office, having been rousted from slumber at an ungodly hour).

And a lot of my anxiety about such events (pretty much any event, actually)
is anticipatory...possibly fight-or-flight physiological preparation. The
results of the event are generally good, and in your case, should be
spectacular improvement in energy-efficiency and maybe noise exclusion? And
will look nice as well. Peace and blessings.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 8:05 PM M J _Mike_ Logsdon <mjl at ix.netcom.com>

> Tuesday my apartment is due for new windows and sliding back door.  The
> end product will be unbelievably great, but we were only given three days
> to prepare.
> Ev of course is here, and is an exceptional help.  But I only recently
> recovered from a bad illness, my disability hasn't gone anywhere, and
> receiving the notice only Friday evening, along with the daunting task of
> freeing up space in front of ALL windows, plus cleaning the sills, and
> covering all relevant surfaces with sheets and/or tarps, rendered me nearly
> inert all day Saturday, and today wasn't much better.  We basically have
> the rest of today and all day tomorrow, to up-end our regular existence for
> a two-day project that at least I literally have no energy for.
> Basically, pray for a miracle.
> But I do, and I kid you not, look forward to modern replacements of our
> classic metal-framed single-paned windows that are truly 1973 vintage (year
> the complex was built).  This type of professional is extremely proficient,
> as I've seen such in action once before at the old Logsdon homestead before
> Mom moved across town in 2005.  But that doesn't make it any less scary for
> me.
> I do hate strangers coming into my home.  And one of those will the
> landlord's assistant, with whom I do at least have a good working
> relationship so far.
> Thanks.
> M J (Mike) Logsdon.

Scott R. Knitter
Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA

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