[Magdalen] Listmeet?

P. Dan Brittain pdan.brittain at gmail.com
Fri Jul 19 14:04:11 UTC 2019

Planning my biannual trip to Hampton/Newport News for the reunion concert
of the Continental Army Band. (Concert will be at the old Fort Monroe
Gazebo on 15 August should folk be inclined to travel). This will be the
first concert of this band at the gazebo since Ft Monroe closed in 2013.

On the way, we will be spending the night in Staunton on 10 August. Return
trip - we will pass through Staunton area on Fri 16 Aug.

Any area listsibs up for dinner on the 10th or lunch on the 16th?

P. Dan Brittain
Harrison, Arkansas

Transcriptions, Arrangements and Original Compositions
Wind Band, Brass Band, Choir, and Ensembles

http//:pdanbrittain.com  Or  at Sheet Music Plus

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