[Magdalen] Our Canadian General Synod

Lynn Ronkainen houstonklr at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 16:09:00 UTC 2019

Perhaps youth delegates were given a taste of involvement because they posed no "threat" to the process?
Did youth delegates mingle with adult laity and clergy during meetings?

On Jul 31, 2019, at 10:59 AM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com> wrote:

We votedt in two houses, clergy and laity.  After all, the HoB had had
their say in making the nominations! of the five candidates! They weree not
in the building but sequestered at the hotel.  On the fourth ballot, +Linda
Nichols, now of Huron, formerly of Toronto, won over +Jane Alexander,
Edmonton, the two left standing.  After the third ballot, a motion for
further nominations was defeated.  Interestingly, the Youth Delegates had
face time  beforehand with the five candidates, a privilege Clergy and
Laity did not receive.

Marion, a pilgrim

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 10:32 AM Roger Stokes via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

>> On 31/07/2019 14:44, Marion Thompson wrote:
>> It used to be two weeks, which allowed for a leisurely pace and some free
>> time, but this has been tightened up.  We travelled to Vancover on
>> Wednesday morning July 10, and it kicked off in the afternoon with the
>> opening Eucharist a couple of blocks away at Christ Church Cathedral and
> a
>> full session in the evening.  We began each day at 8:30.  Lunch & dinner
>> were on site (fabulous food!!!).  Finished perhaps by 9, sometimes later.
>> Saturday saw the Primatial election and subsequent Eucharist at the
>> Cathedral where we also attended the closing Eucharist immediately before
>> the final banquet.  Travel on Wednesday, July 17 -- my ride left for the
>> airport at 6 a.m.  Gah!
>> I took an hour and a half out to meet with our Gail Edwards,
> mini-listmeet,
>> thinking I would be back at the end of an afternoon break.  No, other
>> things had been sqeezed in so that the break was just starting when I
>> returned.  It really was that intensive.
> That is intensive. Does your General Synod meet annually or less often?
> The C/E Synod meets two or three times a year (but travel is easier for
> most members than it is in other Provinces). November and February if
> held) are the inside of a week in London, though not always taking the
> full week. July is residential at the U|Niversity of York and a more
> relaxed atmosphere. Legislation is referred to committees between groups
> of sessions for revision and something like your Marriage Canon would
> also be referred to the dioceses before Final Approval and submission to
> Parliament for their agreement, something that comes with being an
> Established Church.
>> It was rich, but talk about total immersion!  Of course, not every time
> has
>> a Primatial election to fit in.
> Is the Primate elected just by the House of Bishops or do the rest of
> you get to have a say?
> Roger

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