[Magdalen] a cautionary tale

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed May 8 12:38:27 UTC 2019

And  you can't even get their license numbers. Bicyclists are increasingly
rude and a danger in traffic.

Prayers for Nancy's continued healing.

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 8:21 AM ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> One of our neighbors was recently hit by a bicyclist.
> Nancy's a very active eighty-year old (she teaches yoga and power-walks).
> For those familiar with Boston, the corner of Exeter and Newbury is a block
> from the public library, two blocks from Trinity Copley Square. Newbury is
> sometimes closed to vehicular traffic because of the number of pedestrians
> visiting its small shops, galleries & restaurants.
> Nancy said she saw him swerve, trying to avoid her as she crossed, and
> suddenly she was on the ground. He said,
> "I'm sorry, lady. I'm really, really sorry,"
> quickly untangled his bicycle from her various limbs, jumped on it and
> pedaled off,
> leaving her lying in the street with a fractured wrist and shattered hip.
> She's returned from rehab and is relying on help from neighbors and
> deliveries from Whole Foods.
> "Your life can change in a minute," she says.
> She's doing great, practicing walking with friends and channeling her anger
> into her efforts at complete healing.
> She is the third friend who's been hit by a bicyclist who then fled.
> What are we teaching our boys?
> -M

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