[Magdalen] A WTF moment indeed

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Tue May 28 15:38:39 UTC 2019

I had a hip replacement on April 3rd for an arthritic hip joint.  I don't
have anything with which to compare this surgery, but I can attest that I
have found recovery pretty easy.  I was off pain medication (tramadol)
within 3 days and immediately able to walk and climb stairs enough to get
around my house.  I drove again at 3 weeks.  It's still a little sore, but
I continue to regain muscle strength every day.  Gotta get strong so I can
walk well when we go to Israel in March '20.


On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 11:23 AM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> Fortunately,  modern hip replacement surgery has revolutionized hip
> fractures.When I was an intern (they still had such 1962-1963) at the
> Minneapolis (nowHennepin County) General Hospital, hip surgery, such as it
> was then, was doneon most such, but fracturing a hip then was usually a
> death-knell.  I hated therotation (required) through orthopedics because of
> this situation. I can still hearthe hospital loudspeakers paging, "Doctor
> Strang, your new hip is on Ward 10:"
> I had bilateral hip replacement surgery in 1990 secondary to aseptic
> necrosisof the femurs due to oral steroids for chronic asthma.
> David Strang.
> In a message dated 5/28/2019 10:04:37 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> michaudme at gmail.com writes:
> Since I fear falling myself (three friends have broken a hip so far this
> year and one of them died), I have begun to consider Life Alert (although I
> understand it's not the best of these systems).

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