[Magdalen] Spending Time With Merton

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 13:41:23 UTC 2019

Those stayed on my bedside or desk for many years. Merton always had
something to say that I needed to hear. Nouwen as well was there. He is
simpler on the surface I think plenty to chew on if you want. Good reading
to you.....


On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 8:00 PM Scott Knitter <scottknitter at gmail.com>

> I couldn't face the oppressive grayness outside today, so I spent the
> afternoon indoors with Thomas Merton's The Seven Storey Mountain. Almost
> finished.
> An essential read that is helping inspire me...I've needed to read
> someone's fervent commitment to the faith, as it's felt like a hobby lately
> rather than an understanding of How Things Are. Very helpful.
> He sure didn't have time for non-RC Christians, though, did he? His
> experience of the C of E was not the best..."a class cult." Not surprising,
> as he had experienced the public boys' school variety of chapel services,
> mainly. But I sort of have to read around his condescension toward
> Anglicans and Old Catholics (he had a common bad impression of that,
> too...a man who had been an archbishop in such a "schismatic" sect). I
> suppose he's saying what he should say as an RC.
> Needed to reread "Mountain" before delving into No Man Is an Island and New
> Seeds of Contemplation. I need his help.
> --
> Scott R. Knitter
> Edgewater, Chicago, Illinois USA
Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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