[Magdalen] Copes and Mitres Galore.

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 22:57:27 UTC 2019

I think our George Sumner went down to Texas, having stepped down as head
of Wycliffe College (our evangelical seminary across the road from Trinity
College), and is now one of the glut of bishops in those parts.  Ephraim
Radner came north and is one of the five who have just written a letter to
our Bishop chastising him for not keeping the conservative faith in these
days of Same-Sex marriage and sanctioning Local Option.

Marion, a pilgrim

On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 3:50 PM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> The increasingly slick periodical of the Forward in Christ
> organizationcame this week, and there is a center spread showing the
> Consecrationof (a? the?) Bishop of Fort Worth.  I have never seen so many
> Anglicanbishops in one place before, and they must have possessed the
> majorhoard of brocade copes and miters for North America.
> Goodness I am impressed, but though it is not stated definitively, this
> mustbe a "Continuing Anglican" Consecration.  What convinces me of
> thatsince no names are mentioned in the otherwise lavish spread., I note
> that itappears my former bishop, +Wantland, a Continuing Anglican,  is
> participating.
> So are there two Eiscopal/Anglican Bishops of Fort Worth?  I know
> thatSouth Carolina has such a situation.
> David Strang.

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