[Magdalen] Copes and Mitres Galore.
Roger Stokes
roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 26 01:15:00 UTC 2019
I am trying to keep up but I believe the current legal position is that
the federal court, ruling on the trademark issue, has said that the
Lawrence contingent must not use the name "Diocese of South Carolina",
the diocesan seal used before the split or the Episcopal Church's badge.
I believe a motion has been submitted to enforce that ruling. Some time
ago the Supreme Court of South Carolina remitted issues in the State
Courts returning properties to what has been hitherto referred to as
TECSC (The Episcopal Church in South Carolina) to Judge Dickson to
enforce. As Ginga implies he has been reluctant to comply with this
directive. No further hearing on the merits of the case is required as
it has been decided and simply needs to be implemented.
Ginga will doubtless correct my understanding if I am wrong.
On 26/11/2019 00:48, Ginga Wilder wrote:
> More and more the US 'anglicans' identify/have joined ACNA, the 'Anglican
> Church in North America'. They even have their very own prayer book now.
> Tomorrow morning, Judge Edgar Dickson will convene yet another court
> hearing in the slow moving process to return church properties to the
> Episcopal Diocese of SC. John and I will attend this session and our
> priest associate is going with us. J&I have made a commitment to be a
> presence in these 'go nowhere' hearings. We expect nothing to move at
> all....I could be wrong, though. The judge, IMNSHO, leans obviously with
> the Lawrence church.
> Our 2nd provisional bishop, the Rt Rev Skip Adams, will leave us at the
> first of the year. We have been blessed with two very fine provisional
> bishops - the Rt. Rev. Charles von Rosenberg was our first provisional. I
> have heard the Standing Committee is very close to naming our next
> provisional. I bid your prayers for The Episcopal Church in SC (DoSC).
> Thanks,
> Ginga
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 6:20 PM Ann Markle <ann.markle at aya.yale.edu> wrote:
>> To be very clear: in both the Diocese of Fort Worth and the Diocese of
>> South Carolina, there is only one ordinary who is in communion with
>> Canterbury. The Anglicans in the US are not in the Anglican Communion. I
>> know it can be confusing because of the name they chose, but the Archbishop
>> of Canterbury doesn’t invite them to Lambeth.
>> On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 3:50 PM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
>> magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:
>>> The increasingly slick periodical of the Forward in Christ
>>> organizationcame this week, and there is a center spread showing the
>>> Consecrationof (a? the?) Bishop of Fort Worth. I have never seen so many
>>> Anglicanbishops in one place before, and they must have possessed the
>>> majorhoard of brocade copes and miters for North America.
>>> Goodness I am impressed, but though it is not stated definitively, this
>>> mustbe a "Continuing Anglican" Consecration. What convinces me of
>>> thatsince no names are mentioned in the otherwise lavish spread., I note
>>> that itappears my former bishop, +Wantland, a Continuing Anglican, is
>>> participating.
>>> So are there two Eiscopal/Anglican Bishops of Fort Worth? I know
>>> thatSouth Carolina has such a situation.
>>> David Strang.
>> --
>> Ann
>> The Rev. Ann Markle
>> Buffalo, NY
>> www.onewildandpreciouslife.typepad.com
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