[Magdalen] Nylon Stocking Sale.

Christopher Hart cervus51 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 19:58:52 UTC 2019

I got my high dose flu vaccine at my doctors office, but I had to wait a
couple of weeks after my wife had her regular one till they had the senior
version in stock.

On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 1:13 PM cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> The flu vaccine is being heavily advertised/advised in the local mediahere
> in Pennsylvania USA but the supply of the vaccine seems to havebeen
> limited.  This is especially true of the "senior" vaccine, probably
> becausethere is a large aging population here.
> I have made arrangements and actually waited in line for a senior flu
> vaccinationon a couple of occasions, but in one case there was an argument
> among seniorswaiting in line because there wasn't enough vaccine.  It
> reminded me of thefracas when ladies' nylon stockings were in short supply
> during WW-2.My second attempt was also a shortage situation.
> This morning I was fourth in line for a senior vaccination and the Rite
> Aid Pharmacyhad a grand total of 5 doses for today's customers.  I finally
> made it today after thosethose three earlier tries.
> This all seems ridiculous, especially remembering the flu vaccine seasons
> at thelocal VAMC when they were vaccinating every person in sight.  I think
> they probablyvaccinated the water fountains, such was the scene.
> The flu vaccine season is all over for me for another year.
> David Strang.


Christopher Hart

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