[Magdalen] TEC talk

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 16:40:53 UTC 2019

I remember many St. Sam's and Magdalen conversation celebrating the
(unofficial?) name change of the Episcopal Church in USA (ECUSA) to TEC
(The Episcopal Church) when Province IX received a more complete
status/membership in the US Episcopal Church.  I do not recall the General
Convention date when that happened or exactly what the status change was,
but I do recall great celebrating on the dialog lists at the time.  (I'm
remembering Mary Jane Anderson's great joy.)

I understand why some would rail against the name change since the
Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina was restrained from using that historic
name for our church.  The schismatic diocese kept that name and
Episcopalians were disallowed from using it by court order.  We chose
TECSC, the Episcopal Church in SC for our remnant, and fully Episcopal
diocese, during the interim.  Just a month or so ago, a federal court
ordered that the schismatic 'anglican' church was in violation of copyright
laws and could not use the diocesan shield and the name, plus some other
very important things.  Litigation continues.

Ginga Wilder


On Sun, Oct 20, 2019 at 11:49 AM Brian Reid <reid at mejac.palo-alto.ca.us>

> i refuse to call the US Episcopal Church "TEC", and thus never need to
> say it.
> Calling it "The" Episcopal Church is painfully imperialist.
> I always say "The US Episcopal Church"

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