[Magdalen] Where are we

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 18 08:49:37 UTC 2020

I am still here in Bedford, UK as we near the end of this crazy year. 
Like many people I have a number of school-related Zoom (and other 
platforms) meetings but they are now over until next term. We have a 
socially-distanced Eucharist on Wednesdays and Sundays. After the second 
lockdown of the year we emerged to a stricter Tier Two of restrictions 
but at midnight we will be going into the strictest of the levels, Tier 
Three, though it will have little effect on me. That is being relaxed 
over Christmas when I will be travelling (alone in my car as usual) to 
see my son and his family so I will share it with two grandchildren, two 
dogs, cats who generally ignore us and chickens who are currently penned 
up because of bird flu in the country.

On the brighter side I have found three benefits from the pandemic. 
First I don't have to travel between meetings, which also tied to be 
more sharply focussed. Secondly I appreciate the quieter time before 
services. Thirdly we now have a daily Zoom service of Morning Prayer (in 
a few minutes so I must fire up my laptop) when I can use my desktop 
computer for ther texts which is a LOT better than having to flick 
between sections of a book or three.


On 18/12/2020 01:58, Judy Fleener wrote:
> Do we still exist? I started looking for posts a couple of days ago in
> between zooming.  I am not a frequent poster, but I miss the chatter.
> Judy

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