[Magdalen] Where are we

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 16:53:56 UTC 2020

On Dec13 I had a big Zoom with 39 old friends who used to sing with the
Island City Singers in Montreal, the Sixties and beyond.  There we all
are!  Mostly grey and a few have died, but even Jim Hutchison (bass soloist
who was featured on an early & best Christmas recording) was here all the
way from Holland where he has been living and performing for decades.  And
every week I get together with the Marion Singers, mostly the original
members or longtime ones, and we have a bevie and just chat.  With one
member in the UK and another couple now in the Maritimes, we would never
see each other, so this is like going to the pub after rehearsal each
week.  And the cherry on top is St. Andrew's Cathedral, Aberdeen, thanks to
Ferdinand.  Isaac+ does quiet daily Morning Prayer, often Evening Prayer
when lockdowns are prevailing, special Evensongs and Benediction, mid-week
Eucharist, Sunday Eucharist, Lessons & Carols.  All live streamed with a
cast mostly of one in the Upper Room of Seabury House.  It's a long
story..  He also does a lunchtime meditation from the banks of the River
Dee that is nearby.  So there is endless stuff to attend.  Oh, and the
weekly bible study  and compline via Zoom that I can do live.  A really
good fit for me and liturgically and theologicallly comfortable and it's a
treat to step into this other world with a whole different bunch of people
I can interact with..  Mid-afternoons I can catch noon prayers from a
church in Victoria, BC.

Anytime we  do another Zoom, I'll be there!

Marion, a pilgrim

On Mon, 21 Dec 2020 at 11:26, James Handsfield <jhandsfield at att.net> wrote:

> My EfM class is using ZOOM this year with an occasional in person meeting
> on one of the mentor’s back porch.  Works fine.
> -------------------------------------
> Education is its own reward, both for the individual and for society.
> Jim Handsfield
> jhandsfield at att.net
> > On Dec 21, 2020, at 10:47 AM, Marion Thompson <marionwhitevale at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > All hail, the great ZOOM!!!  Zoom is one of the great Goods to have come
> > out of all this.  I'm happy to join in anytime anywhere -- and I don't
> even
> > have to get out of my chair!  Bliss!  Hello, world!

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