[Magdalen] physically distanced communion
Grace Cangialosi
gracecan at gmail.com
Mon Dec 21 19:49:10 UTC 2020
Churches who were approved to meet outdoors were permitted to distribute Communion in one kind, but that worship has now been suspended, except for either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. They never were on board with the whole idea of “virtual” communion using pre-consecrated elements. We’re all supposed to be fasting from Communion , since everyone can’t receive. And, frankly, “spiritual communion” doesn’t do it for me or my congregation, so I’m not doing that, either. We do HEII up through the Peace and then end like Morning Prayer.
We don’t have an organist, so on Christmas Eve, when we’re going to Zoom live from the (empty) church, I’ll play some Christmas carols at the beginning and end and between readings. I’ll send all the words with the Order of Worship and readings. Not perfect, but at least it won’t be from my kitchen!
> On Dec 21, 2020, at 1:19 PM, Suzie Buchanan <buchanan.suzie at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am sorry to hear that the Diocese of VA isn't particularly on board with
> how to provide consecrated communion to people. I know that for my own
> parish, being able to receive communion once a month has made all the
> difference in getting through this year.
> I receive the email newsletter from the Diocese of Vermont, and thought
> others might be interested in their diocesan-wide provision for communion.
> They're using the pre-filled wine/wafer sets, but doing it through parishes
> all across the diocese at the same time. Here's the link to their
> communication about the first time they tried it - 1st Sunday of Advent.
> It went so well that they're going to do it again for Christmas Eve.
> https://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?ca=f5c66956-f18e-4f9c-8e3f-c12b3e78cebb&preview=true&m=1115977133568&id=preview
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