[Magdalen] Gone to the dogs

Ann Markle ann.markle at aya.yale.edu
Thu Feb 27 03:58:15 UTC 2020

Bless you for this work with the least of these.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 6:20 PM Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:

> (And to the cats, but not that much, surprisingly!) I've begun volunteering
> at our local SPCA shelter as a dog walker and cat socializer, but I find
> that I'm much more of a dog socializer and walker. It all began when I
> started visiting looking for a small dog companion and didn't find one, but
> met a lovely senior lady dog who, unfortunately, I can't bring home because
> an orthopedic condition makes her unfit for our 4-level house. I found out
> that if I attend a short orientation session, I could qualify as a
> volunteer, so I did and I am! Now I'm going two or three days a week to
> walk the dogs and generally spend time with them and I totally love it.
> Just this week, in a little over 7 hours, I've logged almost 7 miles and
> essentially gotten a weigh workout with a couple of hounds who wanted to
> drag me around all over. Hey, it beats going to the gym and the dogs are
> nicer than the gym rats anyway.

The Rev. Ann Markle
Buffalo, NY

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