[Magdalen] A Different Kind of Lent

Marilyn Cepeda mcepeda514 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 17:30:37 UTC 2020

Seems most people in my circle are doing amazingly well with this enforced
isolation. All kind of positive and creative ways to cope and serve others
are popping up. 😀

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 9:39 AM James Handsfield <jhandsfield at att.net>

> A different kind of Lent
> A reflection by Jim Handsfield
> Before Lent started, I, like so many others, thought about my Lenten
> discipline.  After an EfM discussion of systematic theology, I decided
> that’s what I would give up.  One way or another we made our plans.
> SARS-CoV-2 had other ideas.
> Who of us dreamt that we would all be giving up close physical contact
> with one another?  Who dreamt that we would give up church for Lent?  Who
> dreamt that Easter would find us staying home for our own protection and
> that of others?  I certainly didn’t.
>  But that’s what did happen.  It has been hard in so many ways.  Thank God
> I’m an introvert!
>  I still get out a bit.  I go shopping for groceries and other things I
> need about once a week.  I get out a couple of times a week to go to
> meetings when there aren’t too many people in attendance, and we can keep
> our distance from each other.  Most days I take Petey out for a long walk.
>  While this discipline has been more or less forced on me, it is a force
> for good, particularly the exercise part.  I have time to reflect, to pray,
> to meditate, and to contemplate (occasionally disrupted by Petey jumping
> into my lap!).
>  One thing I’ve noticed is I’ve been given the grace to keep a good humor
> about this.  I’m in the high-risk group – diabetic, old, and my doctor
> tells me all diabetics are heart patients.  A triple whammy!  If I do get
> infected . . . well, I’ll leave it at that.
>  But life is life, and it goes blithely along not caring what I think
> about it.  My life is in God’s hands, and I am grateful.  Nothing will
> befall me that God and I can’t handle together.
> God’s blessings on you and yours, and stay safe.
> -------------------------------------
> Education is its own reward, both for the individual and for society.
> Jim Handsfield
> jhandsfield at att.net
> --
Marilyn (Owens, Palmero) Cepeda

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