[Magdalen] Is anyone here worshipping in person inside a church?

Ginga Wilder gingawilder at gmail.com
Sun Oct 4 19:16:30 UTC 2020

Fr. Tony,
I am thankful you had the opportunity to celebrate last week.  Glad to hear

SC attitudes about being open-faced in public are the opposite of those in
Vermont.  Our governor is moving toward opening restaurants and schools
soon.  SCDHEC has not been able to receive online data giving counts of
cases, deaths, etc. That is worrisome to me, but the governor is caving to
pressure from merchants to open up.  Some school children and adult family
members are suffering emotionally from being home schooled.  I understand
completely the financial needs of the people.  I will continue to wear a
mask when I make quick trips into the grocery store and pharmacy.  We have
people in our bubble...all of whom are keeping safe practices.   We will
see them outside without masks.

Good Shepherd does not do Zoom worship.  Our Sunday service is videoed
ahead of time and posted on our Facebook page and website on Sundays @
10:30 AM.  We watch this service every Sunday.  John and I attend our
daughter's live Zoom Sunday worship @ 10 AM and have sincerely been blessed
by that.  Today, they even held a Zoom pet blessing.  ECGS will continue to
offer videoed worship as we move to two in person Sunday services.  Same
with our daughter's church.

Seems as if we are all doing the best we can and are blessed by that.


On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 2:43 PM anthony clavier <anthonyfmclavier at gmail.com>

> We are worshiping in the church buildings, the number permitted to be there
> depends on the size of the building. No singing, no Peace (thank God), no
> touching. Masks are worn and save distancing observed. Communion is
> received in one species, thus only the celebrant drinks from the chalice.
> The plate isn’t passed. No coffee hour.  All rather Spartan, but at least
> we worship.
> Because of my antiquity and preexisting conditions, I’ve been largely
> housebound since March, but, beginning three weeks ago, my oncologist
> permitted me to celebrate on Sunday. We have two tiny mission churches, and
> I’m fortunate to have a younger assistant to share the load.
> Warmly,
> +Tony
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 12:39 PM Ginga Wilder <gingawilder at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > South Carolina is beginning to worship in person worship in churches
> > again.  We have careful protocols in place that limit attendance, mandate
> > masking, no singing, no 'visiting' with others.  With the exception of
> the
> > celebrant, Eucharist is bread only.  I have really missed worship but my
> > internist has restricted me from attending worship in the nave.  I will
> > comply, of course.
> >
> > What is going on in your churches/dioceses regarding in person worship?
> > Are you attending?
> >
> > Ginga
> >
> --
> The Right Rev. Tony Clavier
> Co-editor, The Anglican Digest
> Vicar: St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, Glen Carbon IL
> and St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, Granite City IL,
> Diocese of Springfield.

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