[Magdalen] Like I Was Puzzled.

Jon Egger revegger at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 03:13:17 UTC 2014

I must have 40 year old language then, for I say 'changes in my...' not
'changes to my'.

Another thing (local usage) that my sister and I always encounter is when
we're talking to sales or service people.  Either of us will ask, in
relation to a price, "what does this run?" or "how much does this run?"  No
one in Missouri is aware of that usage of 'run', so we get looks of "huh?"

Grace & peace,

On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 8:46 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 12/3/2014 4:48:15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> revegger at gmail.com writes:
> What really irks me is when people (our President included) use the  horrid
> Midwestern pronunciation of "tuh" instead of 'to', as in "I went tuh  the
> store".....arrrrgh!!!>>>
> Yes, but this is in the category of accents, and that doesn't stifle
> the development of the language.
> But while on the subject of "to" this preposition continues to  replace
> other prepositions, especially "in" - as in "I made changes to my
> schedule."
> The latter would have been almost unintelligible 40 years ago, but  now
> is the routine.  The older usage would be "I made changes in my  schedule."
> I even heard "to" being used where "from" was required in one ad  recently.
> David S.

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