[Magdalen] Religion Without God?

Judy Fleener fleenerj at gmail.com
Mon Dec 29 23:22:22 UTC 2014

Sometimes I think we are lucky that anyone comes to worship in some of our
parishes.  In ours people often cannot find the entrance.

On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:

> I agree with your son. I have never considered myself disabled. I have a
>> handicap but that doesn't mean I can't do everything anyone else can do!
> Well, in at least two parishes, I've been told the light I use to view the
> BCP,
> Hymnal, Propers etc. are "An unwelcome distraction." And they "helpfully"
> find
> something they **think** might work which turns out to be a greatly
> enlarged
> (and thus unreadable) copy of same -- nice and grey with little contrast.
> You can’t explain that the limitations of field of vision combined with
> the need
> for enough light because the pupil doesn’t open/close  is not the same
> thing as
> needing a large print edition.
> Then there was the time I arose from the Communion Rail and headed out the
> side door and onto the "Burma Road" -- often a passageway littered with
> storage items, extra/old hymnals/BCPs etc, and going from the well lit
> altar area to the dark, barely or unlit passageway. And there was the
> parish where there was a short stairway leading to a door to the street --
> that I didn’t see in the dark and stepped off and tumbled down and right
> out the door after crashing into the bar that opened the door.
> Despite a yell as I tumbled down, no one thought it necessary to come to
> my aid. So that was a parish I never returned to, though I sent a stern
> letter to the Rector about the dark passageway and the result. No reply.
> Cheers,
> Jim Guthrie
> Cheers,
> Jim Guthrie

Judy Fleener, ObJN
Western Michigan

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