[Magdalen] Another day, another hotel

ME Michaud michaudme at gmail.com
Mon Nov 3 23:56:13 UTC 2014

Have you thought of just getting an EZ Pass? They're free. I've grown
very fond of mine.

Or would one of the people you're visiting just give you one?

I never take 95 through Jacksonville. 295 is a few more miles but
faster and smoother.

Speaking of faster&smoother, visited a friend in Kissimmee awhile
ago and discovered that US4 thru Orlando is awful but the toll road
is wide open and delightful. Definitely worth the $5.50 or whatever it
ended up costing.  Whatever you do, don't run a toll. The rental companies'
surcharges are dreadful.

I appreciate Dave Barry's comment about Miami: All the drivers are
driving lawfully, they're just driving according to the laws of their

On Monday, November 3, 2014, ROGER STOKES <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>
> Given the number of toll roads around here, and the fact that they are
> moving towards doing away with the cash toll option, I will probably ask at
> the hotel what my options are.  I have already established that if I try to
> use Pay by Plate they add a $2.50 admin charge

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