[Magdalen] Looking for a Rector

Stephanie stefkagoil at hotmail.com
Fri Sep 19 19:39:26 PDT 2014

Hi All, 
St. Michael and All Angels in Albuquerque is looking for a new rector:
Time marches on: our beloved Fr. Brian Taylor retired after 30 years there (much weeping and gnashing of teeth). St. Michael's is a wonderful church, and I encourage you to read the parish profile and recommend it to any of your clergy friends who are searching. The congregation held firm as the conservative wave washed over the diocese in the last decades, and when the wave finally receded, St. Michael's was one of the largest, strongest, and most progressive congregations here. It is a special place, and needs someone special to keep moving it forward. 
I'm happy to answer any questions you might have (in the strictest confidence), and you can email me at spadilla18 at comcast.net. 

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