[Magdalen] Grrrr at VCCU

Lynn Ronkainen ichthys89 at comcast.net
Mon Sep 22 20:07:48 PDT 2014

feeling your pain tonight Allan.... I dislike change of this variety also... 
and the accompanying 'details'... may your tasks go smoothly and this new 
system put into place with the fewest frustrations possible!

website: www.ichthysdesigns.com

When I stand before God at the end of my life I would hope that I have not a 
single bit of talent left and could say, "I used everything You gave me." 
attributed to Erma Bombeck

Thomas Merton writes, "People may spend their whole lives climbing the 
ladder of success only to find, once they reach the top, that the ladder is 
leaning against the wrong wall."

From: "Allan Carr" <allanc25 at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 9:49 PM
To: "Magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Subject: [Magdalen] Grrrr at VCCU

> For years all my bills have been automatically paid by a credit union bill
> pay system. For most of them, I don't even get a paper bill but a sheared
> down electronic version. I live pretty much moneyless and checkbook less. 
> I
> do use a credit card for gas, restaurants and wherever I don't have an
> account of some kind.
> My present from the credit union, two weeks ago, was a brand new bill pay
> system that's obviously a cheaper system. In the process, it lost all the
> bill pay accounts which I now have to set up all over again, and there's a
> lot of them. The new system doesn't hunt them up based on a few letters of
> the biller's name as the old one did. You have to supply the complete
> address that the bill and payment is sent to, even if the bill is
> electronically paid.
> But I don't have these addresses in my file, nor any old bills having 
> these
> addresses.
> Oddly enough, some places online don't have a link to a PDF of the bill
> either. So you have to send them an email requesting that information,
> pretty, pretty please.
> It's a kindergarten system that assume everyone is just now coming off
> paper billing. I'm sure some MBA was sold a cheaper system without any
> thought to what the credit union's customers would have to go through.
> As well, the cutoff of the old system meant some electronic bills didn't
> get paid and just got lost in the vapor somewhere. At 83 and a bit tired, 
> I
> don't need this at all. There's no bright way of doing it, It's just hard
> slogging work.
> Bah humbug! 

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