[Magdalen] GTS

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Mon Sep 29 23:48:19 PDT 2014

I note that there are 11 members of the faculty of GTS plus the Dean.
Therefore, the resignation of 8 of these 11 would seem to make an
enormous impact on the Seminary.  
Though I have been at Nashotah Theological Seminary in Wisconsin
quite a number of times during the eight years I lived in Madison, I  have
a non-theological closer relationship to GTS.
For many years when I had regular seats for the Metropolitan Opera
in New York, I rented a dormitory room at GTS overnight
(Friday/Saturday) sixteen times per season.  The charges were  really
nominal, and a great deal less than the horrendous hotel costs  in
The Seminary isn't exactly next door to the Bus Terminal or the Met  Opera
House, but those were the days when walking these distances were easy
for me.  
An added benefit was to get into my room early enough to browse the
Seminary Bookstore.
This reminds me of the number of times I took advantage of the
San Damiano Priory in San Francisco with similar accommodations
which were a well-kept secret in a city with expensive hotel rooms, as  
An added benefit were meals as desired, and daily Mass or MP/EP with
the Episcopal Franciscans.  The charges were donations as desired  by
the guests.
Sadly, I think both places - GTS and San Damiano - no longer take in  
I don't seem to get a site to come up for San Damiano Priory at all.
But, then, I no longer get in to NYC for the Met.
David Strang.

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