[Magdalen] Two to go

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 14:28:21 UTC 2015

I love being subdeacon.  However, it all gets busy in our very 
understaffed little outpost.  Tonight I am deacon/bookbearer, but the 
subd. will switch with me in the moment because I'm also Gospeller and 
preacher.  Glenn the Music is meant to chant the Exsultet, but he has a 
coughy cold and so I've been refreshing my memory in that regard.  (Our 
departed priest did it himself -- he really wasn't good at sharing.)  I 
have a stuffy nose/head, since last w/e, so who know which one of us it 
will be.    If I do it, I think I won't, as planned, chant the Gospel , 
being sensitive to what I would call 'Marion fatigue' out there.  I've 
already handed off the Genesis reading for tonight (scheduling done 
months in advance sometimes doesn't work on the day).  In short, I am 
happy never to spend time in the pews, but I do wonder  how it must be 
to have the freedom to be away without guilt.

Marion, a pilgrim

On 4/4/2015 9:37 AM, Scott Knitter wrote:
> Trying not to grumble, but I really would rather not have had to serve
> as subdeacon for every single service during the Triduum. That's where
> two of our regular subdeacons have left us, though, by going away
> angry over the staff changes. And another has been recovering from
> surgery (the nerve!). Not backbreaking work by any means, but a lot of
> time and a feeling of "too much church." Would also love to worship
> from a pew once.
> There. I feel like I can grumble here so I won't grumble there. :)
> Thanks...off to Saturday morning rehearsal for this evening's Vigil.

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