[Magdalen] How do you buy a stove?

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 00:49:46 UTC 2015

One range I looked at have special setting for Pizza and Chicken Nuggets
'so your children can prepare their own meals'.  I tremble for the next


On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Jim Guthrie <jguthrie at pipeline.com> wrote:

> From: Lynn Ronkainen
> Roger, I honestly think that this glass topped stove is so popular because
>> people who don't love to cook are in the majority now... and 'real cooks'
> l>ike gas, if they can get it.
> I dunno about that. I cook something different most nights --especially
> now with
> the summer farmer's market around the corner. I'vebeendoing stuff from the
> Julia
> Child Cookbooks as well as mw great grandmother's Good Housekeeping
> Cookbook.
> I used to do one special try every week or two, but since retirement, I've
> started cooking something new 2-3 times per week; repeats 2-3 times and
> ordinary
> stuff 2-3 days a week *including some "processed" foods.
> And the Glass remains perfect and certainly does not mess up the cooking..
> BTW --I have always hated porcelain appliances. Drop something heavy or be
> surprised by how hot a pan is,and suddenly you have a hole in the darned
> thing.
> I like my stainless steel stuff, though I wish the icemaker window would
> supply cold water instead of tepid water<g>.
> I like my granite countertops too.
> But in the end, all these things are for cooking and preparing food and
> there's no reason they have to look brand new forever, unless you're not
> really into cooking, I think.
> "First, you take a leek." -- Julia Child
> Cheers,
> Jim

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