[Magdalen] Incroyable

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 22:20:50 UTC 2015

I *got* left behind once, but not by my parents. I had gone swimming with a
bunch of kids from the village we lived in; I can't remember the
circumstances, but we rode in a school bus to a town about 15 miles away to
swim in their municipal pool. I was just 7 and I thought everything was
okay. I thought I saw the girl who lived in the building across from us,
but when I got out of the pool and went over to rendezvous with her, it
wasn't her at all. I was terrified and started to cry. The lifeguard and
supervisors were helpful, and of course I knew my address and my parents'
name, although I don't remember if I knew my phone number or not. Anyway,
they called my house and my dad drove up and got me. He wasn't angry with
me, but I suspect he was rather upset with the people who were responsible
for the trip and who had apparently not counted noses or taken a roll call
before the trip home. In any case, I did not go on any more swimming trips
that summer.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Lesley de Voil <lesleymdv at gmail.com> wrote:

> There were, according to the BBC, two other children in the car. I can
> imagine the parents assuming number three asleep in the car while the
> older two chattered on  (and on and on ....)
> We once left a child behind after church. I was the organist at a
> parish church with two kids 4-6 years in tow, while husband and two
> older sons sang in cathedral choir. I often turned up for the
> post-service getogether at the cathedral, but one Sunday on going home
> we each assumed that the other had youngest child with them. I don't
> *think* he suffered any lasting damage!
> Regards
> Lesley de Voil
> On 8/12/15, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com> wrote:
> > On 11/08/2015 18:10, James Oppenheimer-Crawford wrote:
> >> I wonder if they ever got their kid back.
> >
> > The French couple did get their kid back.  Some other people saw her and
> > kept an eye on her before handing her to the police who sent out a
> > traffic announcement that had the parents drive a couple of hous back to
> > fetch her.  I believe there may be some official investigation leading
> > to the possibility of other proceedings against them.
> >
> > Roger
> >

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