[Magdalen] registered sex offenders in church

James Handsfield jhandsfield at att.net
Sun Dec 6 14:14:47 UTC 2015

In the Diocese of Atlanta, one is required to have child protection training before being allowed to have any kind of contact with children other than the casual contact during services or coffee hour.  The diocese also will have background checks done if there’s any question.  There are several apps that monitor sexual offenders as well, and such people would not be allowed to have close contact with children.

Peace and Blessings

Jim Handsfield, CSSP
jhandsfield at att.net
Cain asked God "Am I my brother's keeper?"  The rest of Scripture is a resounding “YES”.

> On Dec 5, 2015, at 11:28 PM, Molly Wolf <lupa at kos.net> wrote:
> Several reasons, I think:  first, active pedophiles are associated with child porn; and second, churches have unfortunately proved to be rich hunting grounds for pedophiles.  Sexual abuse is terribly damaging for children, and when it's mixed up with spirituality, the results can be lethal.  The abuse of trust is critical.  Two of John Gallienne's victims killed themselves.
> I honestly think that churches do need to know what they're doing when they include pedophiles -- and I do believe that pedophiles should be included, albeit with adequate protections and support.
> It doesn't surprise me that the Harper government cut support for the Circles program.  Stupidity and vindictiveness were among their leading characteristics.

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