[Magdalen] Quick return.
Roger Stokes
roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Feb 14 22:29:50 UTC 2015
On 14/02/2015 21:45, Jim Guthrie wrote:
> From: Raewynne Whiteley
>> To be fair, part of the problem is the way the Diocese of Long Island
>> deals
>> with clergy compensation. It is not at all helpful or transparent,
>> especially in the area of housing and tax.
> We always used the Diocesan Payroll System, which we found both simple
> and transparent. But before they implemented it, things were difficult
> to say the least, and doing the quarterly returns and all was my job
> as Treasurer. The Diocesan plan was a true Godsend, and a model for
> other services the diocese should provide -- group rates on utilities,
> office machines, stationary and the like.
This has to be especially true for the smaller parishes and missions
which do not have the facilities, money or competent volunteers that
larger parishes have.
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