[Magdalen] Church layouts, was Re: Religion Without God

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Fri Jan 2 16:45:39 UTC 2015

In a message dated 1/2/2015 11:00:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
michaudme at gmail.com writes:

The  empty cross says:
Look what awaits.
Trials and suffering,
Your faith  will be tested.>>>>
The local Episcopal Procathedral has a lovely marble freestanding
high altar and there was originally a small matching reredos with a
central bare cross.  The reredos was, for reasons not clear, removed  to
storage on a porch off the sacristy, and languished there for  decades.
Some sort of chancel play through this period occasioned the placing
of a large, 10' bare cross, constructed out of plywood in the center
of the sanctuary, and it remained there until the original reredos  was
retrieved and again placed behind the high altar about ten years ago.
I must say that the original little reredos and small central cross are  a
great improvement over what came to be referred to as "the rugged  cross"
(the plywood creation), but the sanctuary still lacks focus, IMHO.
I mentioned a few months ago that I think the solution to the focus
problem would be a large San Damiano Cross.  If I were twenty years  
I'd start a campaign......but I'll leave that to a younger  generation.
David Strang.

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