[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the Nat...

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Wed Jul 1 04:21:18 UTC 2015

In a message dated 6/30/2015 9:17:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
gracecan at gmail.com writes:

>> Things (and this thread) remind me of the "fighting  bishop" (Leonidas
>> Polk?) who is memorialized at our seminary at  Sewanee.  Do we remove him
>> from the seminary?  Do we  simply forget him?>>>>>>
I don't know what to think of this guy.  Sometimes Anglicans can  be
really over the top.
But, then, there was the
"Warrior Pope" (Pope Julius II).
David Strang.

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