[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the Nat...

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 16:30:30 UTC 2015

I was baptized in that chapel.

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 7/1/2015 11:56:01 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> michaudme at gmail.com writes:
> Ever  visited beautiful Annapolis?>>>>>>
> Yup, and the Chapel, too.
> I had simply forgotten about this crypt which bears an uncanny  resemblance
> to the crypt under the great Benedictine Abbey of Fleury, in the  Loire
> Valley of France.
> There, under the high altar of this Romanesque building lie the  remains
> of Saint Benedict and his sister, Saint Scholastica.
> I blundered upon Fleury when looking for yet another Loire Valley
> Chateau, entered the Abbey through the famous "Galilee"/Tower porch,
> and into the church where the pipe organ was being played at
> full tilt.  There was a sign over on the left with the simple  words,
> "Aux Tombes" and an arrow pointing east.  Then a final  sign,
> "Crypte" and a stairway down.
> I was unprepared for the famous duo, but glad I'd blundered into
> the Abbey.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleury_Abbey
> David Strang.

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