[Magdalen] Whoops. We've got the Southern slavers' battle flag in the Nat...

Cantor03 at aol.com Cantor03 at aol.com
Thu Jul 2 02:41:08 UTC 2015

In a message dated 7/1/2015 5:28:39 P.M.

Dix's  "Shape of the Liturgy." >>>>>
Interesting that the Dean of Christ Church Cathedral gave me my copy
that had been given to the diocesan library originally by a phyisican (a  
long bachelor and liturgical nut) and since they had 5 copies, he  thought
I should have the book.
What a coincidence that two physicians with bachelor orientation   -)
would be into liturgy at the same cathedral.  I would love to have  known
him, but he was of an older generation, and long since
gone when I moved to Eau Claire.
I remember Fr. Martin from occasional visits to St. Paul's K Street,  and
chatted with him once at length at the coffee hour.  If I  remember
correctly, he was, at least initially, opposed to OW.
David Strang.

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