[Magdalen] weather report...

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 23:38:36 UTC 2015

That, Roger, is what we get a lot of in the winter in east Tennessee and
Virginia. I always classify it as the kind of rain that makes you wish it
would just RAIN and get it over with!

On Thu, Jul 2, 2015 at 6:40 PM, Roger Stokes <roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com>

> On 02/07/2015 20:58, Jo Craddock wrote:
>> Indeed! In fact, it was "raining" the morning of the day Rodger and I met
>> you in London, Roger, as I recall. The lovely little place where we stayed
>> warned us of inclement weather. Sorry; I've gotten more wet walking the 40
>> paces to my car in south Louisiana summer afternoon heat. It was definitely
>> not worth a tourist carrying another piece of equipment! And, if the same
>> day as I recall, by the time we met you, it was merely cloudy, then quite
>> pleasant during our walk.
> It was indeed lovel weather for a stroll in the park.  When I was in the
> US last month was the first time I came across "feels like" temperatures
> being higher than the actual temperatures in a forecast.  Experiencing it
> told me why.  One morning one of the housekeeping staff said that the
> previous day had ben like walking into a wall of heat because it was so
> humid.  The high humidity means perspiration does not evaporate.
> What we get over here is what I call mizzly weather - fine rain which
> makes you feel miserable and does no good at all.  Since I wear eye-glasses
> it is terrible as it gets on the lenses and makes seeing difficult. At
> least my experience in the USA is that when it rains it rains.  A few
> minutes later the rain has cleared but here it can settle in for a long
> time.  Fortunately it did not that day and it was good to see you and the
> slimmed down Rodger.
> Roger

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