[Magdalen] Heather Cook

Jim Guthrie jguthrie at pipeline.com
Sat Jun 6 13:00:38 UTC 2015

From: Grace Cangialosi

>see why the trial would be especially long.  Seems to me she's just trying
>to stay out of jail for as long as possible.

Yes -- but not for the reason you think.

A trial costs lots of money for all involved. A plea deal costs are relatively 
tiny in comparison. That's why the state has an interest in avoiding trial -- no 
matter the circumstances.

So plea negotiations drag on with the defendant's attorney(s) fighting to 
minimize jail time or other punishments. The state will continue negotiations to 
avoid a trial. And unless the defendant pleads guilty or nolo contendre at the 
outset, even a trial where "everyone knows" what happens can drag on for days or 
weeks. But no person in their right mind or with competent Counsel would ever do 
that without a plea deal first.

And sometimes negotiating time gets drawn out -- especially once vacation 
seasons start at the beginning of summer.

This is how the justice system in America works. I realize the Tea Party set 
wants trials for all and no namby-pamby plea deals, though they want the trials 
for free -- easy enough if they all end up in a few minutes using Queen of 
Hearts justice.

Plea deals and attendant negotiations are the way of the world.


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