[Magdalen] Shock in Situ.

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 20:13:19 UTC 2015

David, I thought I had relayed all this some years back when I visited
there while we were in Madison during the weekend of my 40th HS reunion.
It was a shock to me at the time, especially since I had sung in that
choir. However, it is a damn miracle the place is still alive, as a priest
of the 70s caused such a split in the congregation that it nearly died a
horrible, lingering death. It was quite awhile coming back, apparently,
but made it, and by the time I visited was breathing pretty easily again. I
didn't recognize anybody in the congregation when I visited except one man,
and he had some dementia and didn't remember me.

On Sunday, June 7, 2015, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <magdalen at herberthouse.org>

> I pledged never again to walk into the family home in NW Wisconsin
> after it was sold in 1998.  From what I hear, that was a good  decision,
> for
> the home I knew is long since gone.
> Therefore, I should have known better than to peak at what's online  about
> the parish I attended in college 1955 - 1962, and where I was  confirmed
> in 1958 by the Bishop of Milwaukee.
> That church is Saint Andrew's, Madison (Wisconsin USA).
> I don't know why I would suspect it had remained untouched as I  remember
> it.  Indeed, it has been radically changed by assumptions about  Vatican-2
> that (1) turn out to be false, and (2) are about a council of another (RCC)
>  and
> non-Anglican denomination.
> In a nutshell, the high altar of exquisite proportions against the  east
> wall
> is gone, and with it the classical platform of three steps upon which  the
> altar rested.  There was a colossal dossal curtain, and the altar was
> fitted
> out with six tall office lights, and two beautiful pavement lights for Low
> Mass.
> There is the now ubiquitous freestanding altar at the edge of the
> sanctuary,
> and a 16 rank Taylor and Boody pipe organ stands in place of the  altar.
> I will admit the case is stunning, but we now have the "worship the  organ"
> layout.  It appears the choir is still divided as before.
> My memories of the old arrangement are firm, so I guess I will just  have
> to rely on them since the reality is painful.  In the end, Saint  Andrew's
> appears to be vibrant, and that's what actually counts.
> http://www.standrews-madison.org/
> David Strang.

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