[Magdalen] Enjoying a colleague's accent

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 15:48:14 UTC 2015

I didn't find Sunday slim pickings at all last night, what with PBS taking
us on a fun trip (al though FAR too short!) through royal fashion, the new
"Poldark", which is absolutely gorgeous, and the beginning of a new series
which to me was absolutely riveting, "The Crimson Field", concerning V.A.D.
nurses in WWI. That last was a little "Downton Abbey", a little "China
Beach" and a little "M.A,S.H." but still itself, and having read a couple
of books about V.A.D.s, plus being a nurse myself, I'm already hooked. I'd
also not watched the previous version of "Poldark" so this was all new to
me. I will agree, though, that "Wong Foo" is a hilarious movie, and that is
a good use for the Stars and Bars.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 11:10 AM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen <
magdalen at herberthouse.org> wrote:

> In a message dated 6/22/2015 10:56:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
> raewynne1 at gmail.com writes:
> Seems to  be the correct place for them, rather than
> being  flown.>>>>
> I was surfing through some television channels last night (Sunday has
> slim pickens' on television, here), and I came upon that cute older  movie,
> (1995) "To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything - Julie Newmar".  It's
> a story of three drag queens amusingly played by some hyper-masculine
> Hollywood stars, and their adventures.
> I watched perhaps the latter half of the film, and was surprised to  find
> the final awards ceremony hosted by famous drag queen, RuPaul,
> who was draped in a Confederate Stars and Bars flag.
> I concluded that was one of the more entertaining displays of the
> flag I've seen.  I suspect the United Daughters of the  Confederacy
> would not be pleased.
> D. Strang.

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