[Magdalen] Bp. Wright OKs same sex weddings

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 27 14:07:32 UTC 2015

On 27/06/2015 14:45, James Handsfield wrote:
> Martin, the fact is the Church has NEVER defined marriage, which is a legal, not ecclesiastical term.  The Church has administered the state understanding of marriage and has solemnized and blessed it.  So now we have a new version of the state definition of marriage, and the Church should rightfully continue to solemnize and bless it.

The state decides many things, such as going to war in a foreign country 
that poses no direct threat to the nation.  Should the Church 
automatically agree this is a right and moral action? Shouldn't the 
separation of Church and State allow, as the Supreme Court's decision 
recognizes, mean that the Church is free to say "we believe this is wrong"?

Martin and the rest of us in the C/E minister in a country where 
partners of the same sex now have the right to marry each other but the 
legislation permitting this bars us from solemnizing such a marriage 
unless and until the national Church has agreed and sought permission 
for such marriages in a C/E church. This is an example of the secular 
law permitting s new development but not requiring all to avail 
themselves of that permissive authority.


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