[Magdalen] A Rose is a Rose.

Roger Stokes r.s.stokes.65 at cantab.net
Thu Mar 19 11:50:50 UTC 2015

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jo Craddock" <jocraddock at gmail.com>
To: "magdalen at herberthouse.org" <magdalen at herberthouse.org>
Sent: 19/03/2015 03:21:52
Subject: Re: [Magdalen] A Rose is a Rose.

>We have lovely greenery arrangements, but not flowers, during Lent. 
>Fortunately, we've not had a funeral so far this Lent. I'd have to try 
>to remember another year, but agree flowers would be appropriate. The 
>greenery, and starting with the Penitential Order, are our Sunday 
>Lenten rituals, and yet remembering that Sundays are in, but not of, 

Might we have a difference of terminological usage here? The 1662 BCP 
lists them as Sundays *in* Lent but our Common Worship has them as 
Sundays *of* Lent. They are certainly not counted among the 40 days but 
they are part of the Lenten season, as is witnessed by the use of the 
Lenten liturgical colour.

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