[Magdalen] Trinity Anyone?

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Fri May 29 17:09:25 UTC 2015

My little church will have both thuribles fuming away during the Te Deum 
with the Sanctus bells ringing.  No choir, sadly, so who knows what our 
Mr Music will come up with for us.  In my own heart, I will revisit 
other lovely musical times while giving up myself to the glorious 
cloud.  A sad footnote to my current life is that, with the total 
absence of smell since January, I have lost that fabulous aspect of 
incense. :-(((

I'm preaching and haven't one word down yet.  The joys of having a house 
on the market.  Yikes!

Marion, a pilgrim

On 5/29/2015 12:09 PM, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> Home parishes for any of our listmembers dusting off the
> handbells and double thuribles for a Solemn Te Deum at the
> conclusion of the main choral liturgy this Sunday, Trinity Sunday?
> >From personal experience, it is one of the really fun liturgical
> moments when the altar tends to play hide and seek from all the
> smoke, and best observed from the back of the church or the
> rear gallery.
> Ringing chord clusters on handbells is also much fun as the
> church choir drones on through the lovely solemn plainchant.
> David Strang - a spike at heart.

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