[Magdalen] One thing after another

Susan Hagen susanvhagen at gmail.com
Sun May 31 19:31:50 UTC 2015

Wow, a lot going on.  I am very glad to hear the Sam is thriving.  Prayers
that you may find a good new job and that you will find serenity for the
health concerns.  Keep us posted about all of the above.


On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 3:23 PM, cady soukup <cadyasoukup at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear ones,
> It's been a busy time. Read only if you're interested in the details!
> Got back from the Grand Canyon "science" trip (we counted the
> population of endangered Kanab Amber Snails at Veseys Paradise, and
> removed invasive weeds from a campsite). It was wonderful, and rainy,
> and cold! Such a great place to be with good folks - this time
> daughter Samantha was along as well. It was fabulous to see her in her
> new environment. She is blooming! But not interested in college. Sigh.
> The job at GDIT is winding tighter as people leave to go to the group
> that won the contract on which we work, or to other jobs altogether.
> Those of us who are left are doing more with fewer people and slimmer
> resources, meaning longer hours and weekends. It's been a challenge.
> Yes, I am looking for a job. Only a few resumes out so far - an
> interview this afternoon went well. We'll see.
> Sunday is the last day our priest of 42+ years will run the service.
> Trinity Sunday at Trinity Church, Washington. It will be a bittersweet
> day for Jenks and Molly Hobson, our priest and his wife, and for all
> the rest of us. We have a good, solid church of relatively mature
> individuals. Mike Mahoney is doing a great job as our Senior Warden.
> We have a great Search Committee and a summer supply priest who's
> pretty cool - John Kilgore from the Diocese of Missouri (he and his
> partner own a retirement farm in our county); he's also a retired
> cardiologist. Lots of changes!
> Today I took off from the office for a medical procedure - a follow-up
> breast sonogram to examine an anomaly; it led to a needle biopsy,
> results due back on Tuesday - the day I will be again in
> Charlottesville, VA for another medical procedure, removing suspicious
> freckles. Of your mercy: prayer pats for serenity in the face of
> multiple medical procedures.
> The image files for the annual caving photo contest have arrived and
> need to be data entered and prepped/anonymized for judging. It's a
> process that takes many hours. You can see last year's winners at:
> http://caves.org/committee/salons/Slides_2014_Winners.shtml
> So all of the above is why I haven't been posting -
> hugs anyway - prayers too! - Cady

Before enlightenment pay bills, do laundry.  After enlightenment pay bills,
do laundry.

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