[Magdalen] Time is -- uh ....

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Tue Nov 3 16:37:53 UTC 2015

On 03/11/2015 15:39, Cantor03--- via Magdalen wrote:
> In a message dated 11/3/2015 9:35:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> jhandsfield at att.net writes:
> apart  from Atlanta traffic.>>>>>>
> There was that study about the average speed of drivers in
> major metropolitan areas.  In it, Atlanta had the highest  average
> speed of any area in the USA.

It may have been the time on a Saturday that I was going through on the 
Interstate.  I looked at the minimum 40 mph sign and worked out that at 
that speed it would take me less than a second to hit the car in front.  
Situations like that I try to simply go with the flow, helped by not 
having a deadline - though I did get a bit worried on my way back to 
O'Hare last year.

Generally I find driving in the USA easier than in this country. 
Certainly you can do more miles per day without getting frazzled.


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