[Magdalen] Heather Cook

Jay Weigel jay.weigel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 15:52:42 UTC 2015

Wouldn't be the same, I suspect. That stuff was fierce, but magic. If any
of us came to work with the beginnings of a cold, Ann would get us a shot
of Extra Sharp from the bar. A couple of my co-workers would just pop the
whole thing down, but I was never that brave. I sipped on mine over about
an hour. I swear it sterilized your upper respiratory tract though!

Once we were sitting around in Glen & Ann's with a friend who had just
gotten back from a stint with the Peace Corps in India. He was talking
about hot stuff and how much he liked it, so someone ordered him a shot of
Extra sharp. He threw his head back and tossed it down, and I swear, tears
literally spurted from his eyes and he lost his breath for a minute. When
he could speak again, with tears running down his cheeks he gasped, "Order
me another!"

You've given me an idea, though. What I might do is get half pint of the
regular ginger brandy, which is pretty weak stuff, and put a chunk of
peeled ginger in it and let it sit for a couple of months. That might do it.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2015 at 10:31 AM, ME Michaud <michaudme at gmail.com> wrote:

> You could probably make it in a blender (brandy with fresh grated ginger to
> taste).
> Sounds like it would be very effective!
> -M
> On Saturday, November 7, 2015, Jay Weigel <jay.weigel at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Funny about stuff you can't get. I miss, of all things, extra sharp
> ginger
> > brandy, which was what my boss Ann Hierlmeier of blessed memory (and I
> >  suspect many others) used to treat a cold. That stuff would scald your
> > tonsils and do a pretty good job of cleaning out your sinuses etc.
> >

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