[Magdalen] Books to inspire and comfort

Judy Fleener fleenerj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 12:20:49 UTC 2015

I love the Ladies #1 Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith.

On Sun, Nov 8, 2015 at 7:16 AM, Sally Davies <sally.davies at gmail.com> wrote:

> My colleague at Aurora Hospital, Lizelle, has asked me to suggest books
> that we could buy to stock up a small library for our patients.
> She says not necessarily self help books, but books that people find
> helpful when struggling with chronic health problems, pain or disability -
> as well as other emotional challenges.
> Mention of the book on Adult Children of Alcoholics reminded me that
> there's a lot of collective wisdom here in the Pub...I'd be interested to
> hear about books that others have found helpful, including story-books.
> Sally D

Judy Fleener, ObJN
Western Michigan

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