[Magdalen] On a humorous note

Roger Stokes roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 11 22:31:58 UTC 2015

On 10/10/2015 20:23, Jim Guthrie wrote:
> From: Scott Knitter
>> Changing tunes seems to be done a lot more in the C of E, and it's
>> easier because congregants are used to music and words being separate
> I don’t think CofE has a standard hymnal like Morgan's where 
> tunes/texts are coupled (despite a fine metrical index) as in TEC.

You are correct.  Looking at the hymnal in a church is a guide to that 
church's theological tradition.  New English Hymnal is fairly well up 
the liturgical cable.  Ancient and Modern is staid middle of the road.  
Mission Praise and similar, particularly if supplements by booklets of 
praise or worship songs, are decidedly low-church. There are other 
piblications, such as Hymns Old & New, which are middle of the road but 
seek to be more contemporary than A and M, which in an earlier edition 
used to be bound with copies of the BCP so you could take your 
pocket-sized copy of the service book and hymnal to church with you.  
(Good eyesight required.)


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