[Magdalen] VTS Chapel,
Roger Stokes
roger.stokes65 at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 11 22:45:35 UTC 2015
On 10/10/2015 20:03, Scott Knitter wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Grace Cangialosi <gracecan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, Scott, but that sounds like a nightmare! How can folks even hear the words in the midst of all that ringing?! ;^}
>> In one church where I supply fairly often, they have a set of bells that the choir director's mother found in an antique store. They sit on the organ console, and the choir director rings them at three points during the Eucharistic Prayer. I can't say I'm even sure exactly where he rings them, but when I haven't been there for awhile, the first one always takes me completely by surprise!
> :) The rings are pretty quick (or should be) and are during pauses.
> And the occurrences of bell-ringing have increased. When we were first
> trained as acolytes, there were four rings: (1) The "warning" bell
> just before the words of institution; (2) One longish ring as the host
> was elevated; (3) Ditto for the chalice; (4) As the celebrant
> communicated.
One church where I now supplu regularly has these bells, apart from the
"warning bell". They actually have three rings for the elevations,
during which I pause the prayer. The last one is the one that can catch
me out in some churches where I take the bread and then communicate it
to others in the altar party before taking the wine.
This is a case where I fit in with local tradition. While I would
rather communicate the altar party before taking the wine myself, as a s
synbol of our shared ministry, I try to remember to receive both
elements myself so the bell can be rung before administering wither
element to others.
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