[Magdalen] New to Me.

Susan Hutchinson shutchinsonca at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 02:04:55 UTC 2015

On 2015-10-17, at 8:22 AM, Scott Knitter wrote:

> I meant to ask if Canadians on Monday will cast a single vote, for the
> MP to represent their respective ridings?

Yes, Scott. You would not vote directly for Justin Trudeau unless you live in his riding. You would vote for the Liberal candidate in your own riding. He/she was selected at a Liberal nomination meeting in that riding sometime in the last year. If you wanted to vote at that nomination meeting you would have to be a member in good standing of the Party ($10/yr) and not have voted at any other nomination meeting. The other parties follow a similar process. We do not have a primary process in Canada. 

BTW, although Justin is easy on the eyes and has lots of charisma, there is some substance there. ;-)

He has come across well in the TV debates -- enough that the 3 way race has seen the NDP fall behind with the Tories and Trudeau pull ahead. He also has the deepest team behind him, and he is good at working with people with more experience/expertise. He is also comfortable working with women as partners and has promised a gender equal cabinet.


The Rev. Susan Hutchinson
shutchinsonca at gmail.com

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