[Magdalen] Mispronunciation (was Re: List sibs departed from this life)

Marion Thompson marionwhitevale at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 14:45:07 UTC 2015

Back in the day when my last name was de Courcy-Ireland, on some 
occasions my patter was 'small d e, capital C o u r c y hyphen Ireland 
as in Great Britain.

The best most amusing moment came at the office where I would answer 
'Marion de Courcy-Ireland.'  Long silence at caller's end - 'Pardon?'  I 
repeated very deliberately 'Marion de Courcy-Ireland'. Pause, then 
laughter.  Caller said, 'I wondered how I had reached New York!  I 
thought you said Ferry to Coney Island.'

Marion, a pilgrim

On 10/30/2015 10:10 PM, M J [Mike] Logsdon wrote:
> I should have also said that I no longer just spell my name for people.  It's always "L-O-G-S as in Sam-D-O-N as in Don", and then I model good behavior by re-saying it, in followup to the effort I've gone to in spelling it.  I honestly think it has helped, a bit.
> .

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